
Shopping Time

The grocery delivery app – Shopping Time – brings the best deals to its users by directly connecting them to the wholesale sellers and sometimes to the actual producers. Both buyers and sellers can transact with each other without the intermediaries using the friendly features in the mobile app. Shopping Time is an e-commerce mobile app targeting both B2B and B2C markets.


This project came with its own unique set of challenges. Along with the fact that the promoters needed an Instacart like app development, they needed a grocery app development solution that would work across the platforms and eventually would become the best online grocery shopping app in India. Some of the challenges included,

  • Special sections for B2B customers where they could manage their entire catalogue of items.
  • A seamless online shopping app UI to facilitate buying and selling with minimum effort.
  • Deliver a 100% e-commerce user experience needed for the online grocery app.
  • Integration with the real-time mapping data to calculate and recalculate delivery charges according to the distance to be covered.
  • The ability to showcase exclusive offers based on the buying history of the customers.
  • Up-selling and cross-selling sections of items based on the buying history of the customers.

Our Solution

The salient features of the grocery delivery mobile app include,

  • Complete shopping cart management giving an Instacart experience to the promoters and sellers.
  • Options to create special offers for both B2B and B2C customers.
  • Facilitates product returns and refund options.
  • Delivery charge calculation  & recalculation according to the distance between the pickup and the drop locations.
  • Cross-selling and up-selling facilities.
  • Complete shopping cart management features for the sellers.
  • Unlimited order histories for sellers.
  • Notification facility for customer engagement.
  • Seamless UI for one-tap shopping.
  • Login using social media accounts.
  • Ability to sell product samples.

Our Results

We were able to design, develop and deploy the app within the stipulated time. Both customers and sellers are reaping the benefits of this app that can be downloaded and installed from Google Play. The client is quite happy with the solution that we provided.

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